
Thursday, September 13, 2012

My first day as Class teacher

A new Catechism  year begins. 
The Catechism Ministry of St. Therese Church are as usual ...all ready to go....

We are excited to see new faces, the whole ministry has been on about new children joining us for a few months now. Over the past few days most have been sending out e-mails , reading new ones, re-reading them---all to make sure our little ones are A-Okay on their first day at Catechism. 

Prior to this, behind the scenes our very efficient Admin team have accepted Admissions , done all the leg work and sorted out all the kids in 5 different sections for Grade 1 alone. 

Parents full of trust and smiles bring their 5 year olds to my class.What joy , what fun ....and among them.....what fear!!!

But we have been expecting this....and so we start with a fun action song. 

I taught my kids 2 action songs 

a) If you're happy and you know it -

(that was a real ice breaker - finally i saw some smiles!!!) 

followed by Introductions. We (my co-teachers and I ) told the kids how much we would love to see them at every class and every Friday Mass. 

5 year olds are very hard to keep occupied, so as soon as we saw shuffling feet and signs of restlessness, we broke out into another Action Song 

b) I'm in the Lord's Army

(ALL absolutely all my kids LOVE this action song. The boys love this the most!!)

I explain to the kids that they are part of an elite group- Jesus's very own personal army. 

I love to hear my Kids talk - they are always encouraged to talk - we ask them about Jesus . 

Me: Do you'll know who Jesus is? 

Kids : YES!!!!!

Me: Well, really !! That's good. Who is He? 

Kids: He is Our God!!!

Me: Awesome....who is God? 

Kids: He made us!!!

Me: That's  so true- I have the most amazing Kids in my Class . 

(We, the teachers applaud them - and my kids are beaming) 

Me: So does anyone here know the Our Father

(Lots of hands went up) 

Me: Wow..what about the Sign of the Cross

(Again, amy more hands up) 

Me: Thats brilliant - Shall we try it now ? 

(And my faithful little volunteers, with a little help from the teachers - stand up. We taught them the Sign of the Cross very briefly because by then an hour was almost up and we had take their attendance plus hand them over little handouts) 

Most of my class have a good idea of what is required of them in Grade 1. We will have to brush them up more. 

The Next Class will be the Sign of the Cross and Jesus the greatest Teacher. 

Portion for Next Class: 

Prayer - Sign of the Cross

Bible Reading - Luke 4: 42-44 - Jesus the Great Teacher. 

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