
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Season of Lent


To explain to small children the meaning of lent and its importance.

What is Lent? 

Lent is a season of preparation. While we wait for Jesus's birth and prepare for it during Advent-  We prepare for the most joyous time for us as Christians - Jesus coming back to life 3 days after His death on the Cross- during the season of Lent.

Easter is a very joyous celebration - we celebrate the rising of Jesus after His death on the cross. With Easter we know we don't have to ever be afraid - because will always and forevermore be part of lives and with us. But before we get to Easter, we have to prepare ourselves for 40 days - so that we can "clean" ourselves during those few days.

Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter. We can prepare for Easter by giving up something we like and sacrificing a few things. Lent is a time for praying, loving God more, caring for others like us and those who are not as lucky or fortunate as us. Lent is a time to try and love God more.

Ash Wednesday - is always on a Wednesday. On that day, we go to church to receive a Sign of the Cross made with Ashes.
The Priest blesses the Ashes and says ,
"Repent and believe in the Gospel"
" Ashes to ashes , Dust to dust"
"Remember, man that thou art dust and to dust you shall return"

He says that to remind us that we are not here forever, and the time God has given to us - we must love everyone around us , like we love ourselves.
Even Jesus loved us so much that He died for us on the Cross.

Always remember ,  "Pray like no one is watching you. Fast like no one is watching you. Do good like no one is watching you. God knows."

A good way of learning about Lent is through learning about Jesus suffering by the Stations of the Cross.

the Site below has a good way of explaining this.

Stations of the Cross for Kids.

Another good way of practicing Lent is by doing little acts of Kindness and Charity every day of Lent.

Here is a good example courtesy Teacher Suzette of Class 1A

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