Tuesday, April 16, 2013

EASTER SUNDAY!- Be happy - Jesus Loves you.

A late Post :

 Jesus has Risen - Alleluia!! We have Victorious King!!

Our Jesus is not dead - He is Alive!!

He rose again on the Third Day just as he had promised his disciples. He appeared to the disciples after He rose from the dead.

There are some stories in the Bible of how Jesus appeared to the disciples - He stayed with them for sometime too , teaching them many new things.

Jesus asked Peter to follow Him and to love Him - In doing so, He asked us to do the same.
Jesus showed us how much He loved us by dying on the cross for us. We too need to show Jesus how much we love Him in everything we say or do.

Trust in Jesus and Love Him everyday. Say  a prayer to Jesus every morning when you rise - ask Him for His help as you go to school and meet new friends , new people and even the children that bug you in school.

Jesus loves you , he loves your friends, your family and even those who are mean to you. Pray for everyone around especially for those who hurt you - just as Jesus did on the Cross.
Then, you will show Jesus your real Love for Him.

Continue to love / follow Jesus when

You are sad
You are sick
Someone you love deeply is sad or sick
You feel alone



Thursday, March 28, 2013


Maundy Thursday is also known as Holy Thursday.
It is the first day of the LAST THREE DAYS of LENT before Easter.

This day is important for us because it tells us how the Very First Eucharistic Celebration took place.
Jesus took the bread - broke it - gave thanks to God and said ,

" Take this all of of you and eat it. This is my Body which will be given up for you" .

During Mass, the Priest celebrating mass also says the same words.


Jesus took His Cup - gave thanks and said, "Take this all of you and drink from it, for this is My Blood which will be shed for you in reparation of sins" .

During Mass, the Priest celebrating mass also says the same words.

Also, this day is important for us because taught us Humility and Love by washing the feet of His disciples.
He taught us that to be first we must serve others.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Last Supper, Betrayal of Jesus, His Passion, Death & Resurrection!

How many of you have seen a picture of Jesus sitting on a table with some of His friends by His side? Its a long table.We mostly put it on the walls of our Dining Rooms. 
This story is about this scene. 


On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples asked Jesus, "Where would you like us to plan for you to eat the Passover feast?"  Jesus replied to them, "Go into the city and you will find a man, and tell him that we would like to come to his house for Passover."

What is the Passover? 
The Jews - remember, Jesus was a Jew too- used to celebrate this feast from the time of the Prophet Moses. This was the day one of God's Angels "passed over" God's people and kept them safe from harm and death. 

The disciples did just as Jesus asked, and they found a place and got ready for the Passover feast.

As it got closer to mealtime,  Jesus and the twelve disciples sat to have dinner. Suddenly, Jesus spoke and said to His disciples, "I tell you the truth, one of you here will betray me."  The disciples looked at each other in shock, and some of them asked Jesus, "It's not me Lord, Is it?" 
Jesus replied, "The one who dips his bread into the bowl with me will betray me.  I will die, just as it is written, but the man who betrays me will feel sorry forever. 

The truth is Jesus was God and so he already knew what was going to happen. He also knew that one of His dear disciples , Judas Iscariot was going t be the one who betrayed him. 

What does Betray mean? 
Betray is when someone you love or trust disappoints you. They know they should not do something, because it will make you  very sad, and yet they go ahead and do it. 

Back to the story, 

Colouring page from Sermon4kids.com
Judas, with his head down spoke quietly to Jesus, "Is it me, Jesus?"  Jesus answered, "You are the one who said it."  Luckily for Judas the other disciples did not hear what Jesus had said. 
He thanked God for the bread and shared it with the disciples and said, "Take this and eat it.  This is my body which is given for you".  Then he took a full cup, thanked God for it and said, "This is my blood, which will be poured out  for many people so their sins may be forgiven."  Then they all took a sip from the cup. 

You must have heard these words somewhere else. Does anyone know where? 
Yes, the Priest says it at every mass - Jesus asked us to do it in remembrance of Him and so we obeyed Him by repeating it at every Mass. 

After some time Jesus got up and put a large towel around him. After that, he poured water into a large bowl and began to wash the disciples' feet. 

Can you imagine a King - not just any King but the King of Kings- washing peoples feet? Will you wash peoples feet? But still Jesus did it - He did it to teach us to serve and love people just as He did. 
He was setting and example for us. 

Pope Benedict XVI washing feet 
If you go to church on Maundy Thursday - you will see the Priest doing the same in remembrance of what Our Lord and Master Jesus taught us. 

When it was Peter's turn to get his feet clean he said to Jesus, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?"  Jesus replied, "You don't understand what I am doing, but you will later."  
"No," said Peter, "you will never wash my feet."  He said this because he didn't feel right having Jesus wash his feet.  He knew Jesus was very special.Jesus replied back to him, "If I don't wash your feet, you cannot be with me."  "Then, Lord,"  Peter replied, "don't just wash my feet but my hands and head too."  
When Jesus had finished washing all of the disciples feet, he put his everyday clothes back on and returned to the table.  "Do you understand what I have done for you?"  Jesus asked them.  "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and that is who I am.  And now that I have washed your feet, you can also wash one another's feet." 

This is an example of how we should treat others.  You don't have to actually wash other people's feet, but by doing nice things to other's and acting like a servant for Jesus, that is what He wants you to do.  If you do these things Jesus will bless you.


From the supper room in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples went out into the night to the quiet grove of olive trees called Gethsemane on Mount Olivet.
Jesus went in to the garden to pray but He asked his friends to stay alert and pray. 
Jesus was fully human and fully God. 
Because He was fully God - he knew he was going to die in a very , very painful way. But since he was fully human too - he was very, very sad and very, very hurt. He wanted to cry!
His friends, the disciples were going to watch and see how Jesus was suffering.

Going on alone, Jesus fell upon the ground and began to pray : “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you; remove this cup from me. Yet not my will but yours be done.” (Mk 14:36 ) 
He prayed this  because He wanted only His Fathers will . He asked God to support Him. 
He became so upset that He began to sweat - He did not just sweat like we did - He began to sweat drops of blood!

He got up 3 times to meet His friends but He found them fast asleep all three times. At such a difficult time, only One person was there to hear Him - His Father in Heaven. 

God sent His Angel from Heaven to help Jesus prepare and to console Jesus. The Bible says, "  “An angel came from heaven to strengthen him.”


The disciples woke up by the noise of a crowd. They saw the flashing of torches and the gleaming of swords and spears. 

Judas was with them - he had agreed to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of Silver coins. 

Judas came rushing forward, and kissed Jesus, as though he were glad to see him. Judas had already told the soldiers that the man He was going to kiss was Jesus. The soldiers were given instructions by the Pharisees to arrest the man Judas kissed. 

Jesus said to Judas, "Judas, do you betray the Son of man with a kiss?"
As they came forward to seize Jesus, Peter drew his sword, and struck at one of the men in front, and cut off his right ear.  Jesus said to Peter: "Put away the sword.  Do you not know that I could call upon my Father, and he would send to me armies upon armies of angels?" 
 The He touched the place where the ear had been cut off, and it came on again and was well. Jesus said to the people who had gathered: "Do you come out against me with swords and clubs as though I were a robber? I was with you every day in the Temple, and you did not lift your hands against me."

These men laid their hands on Jesus, and bound him, and led him away to the house of the high-priest.The high priest's name was Annas.  
Simon Peter, and John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, followed the crowd of those who carried Jesus away; and they came to the door of the high-priest's house. Peter stayed outside, until John went out and brought him in. He did not dare to go into the room where Jesus stood. In the court-yard of the house, they had made a fire and Peter stood there.
 Annas in the inner room asked Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. Jesus answered him: "What I have taught has been open in the synagogues and in the Temple. Why do you ask me? Ask those that heard me; they know what I said."Then one of the officers struck Jesus on the mouth, saying to him:"Is this the way that you answer the high-priest?"Jesus answered the officer calmly and quietly:"If I have said anything evil, tell what the evil is; but if I have spoken the truth, why do you strike me?"


While Annas and his men were thus showing their hate toward Jesus, who stood bound and alone among his enemies, Peter was still in the court-yard warming himself at the fire. A woman, who was a serving-maid in the house, looked at Peter sharply, and finally said to him:"You were one of those men with this Jesus of Nazareth!"
 Peter was afraid to tell the truth, and said: "Woman, I do not know the man; and I do not know what you are talking about." 
  And to get away from her, he went out into the porch of the house. There another woman-servant saw him and said: "This man was one of those with Jesus!"
Peter swore with an oath that he did not know Jesus at all. Soon a man came by,looked at Peter, and heard him speak, and said: "You are surely one of this man's disciples; for your speech shows that you came from Galilee." Then Peter began again to curse and to swear, declaring that he did not know the man.

 Just at that moment the loud, shrill crowing of a cock startled Peter; and at the same time he saw Jesus, who was being dragged through the hall from Annas to the council-room of Caiphas, the other high-priest. And the Lord turned  looked at Peter. Suddenly, Peter remembered what Jesus had told him just one day back,""Before the cock crows to-morrow morning, you will three times deny me."
Then Peter went out of the high-priest's house into the street; and he wept bitterly because he had denied his Lord.


Early the next morning, the soldiers brought Jesus to Pilate. He was the Roman governor at that time.  
Pilate asked Jesus, "Are you the king of the Jews?"  Jesus replied, "Yes, I am."  
This upset the chief priests because they were jealous of him and the friends He had made with the Jews.
Pilate listened to the complaints of the people that brought Jesus, but he couldn't find any reason to punish Him.  
Pilate questioned Jesus, but Jesus didn't stick up for himself (He knew that they wouldn't listen anyway).  
He had done nothing wrong.
Pilate called together the chief priests, the rulers, and the people and said to them, "I find no reason to kill Him."
In reply, the people shouted, "We want Jesus!  Release Barabbas instead!" 
Barabbas was a bad man, he was a murderer. 

What is a murderer? 
A murderer is someone who kills other people. This is a big sin. We are not supposed to hurt anyone leave alone, kill someone. 
The people wanted a bad man to be free, and Jesus ( who healed them and brought the dead to life - The one who loved them so much )  to be punished. 

 Pilate didn't like this.  He wanted to let Jesus go, so he tried to talk to the people but they didn't let him.  They just kept shouting, "Crucify Him!  Crucify Him!"

The soldiers led Jesus into the palace and made Him put on an old royal robe and they twisted together a crown of thorns to put on His head.  But not before hitting Jesus mercilessly and for no fault of His. 

I am so sorry Jesus for sinning and hurting you like this!!

Then they made fun of Him and said, "Hail, king of the Jews." 
They didn't understand that He was a king, that's why they made fun of Him.
Next the soldiers led Jesus toward a hill called Golgotha.  
They made Him carry the cross on His back, but Jesus couldn't carry it the whole way, he fell down.  
The soldiers had whipped His back and it hurt so much that Jesus couldn't handle the weight of the cross on His shoulders.
A man named Simon happened to be near Jesus when He fell, and the soldiers grabbed him, and made him carry the cross the rest of the way. 
The soldiers offered Jesus wine mixed with myrrh.  
The soldiers whipped Jesus with such a scourge.
This was supposed to help make it less painful, but Jesus refused to have any.
When they reached the top of the hill they nailed Jesus to the cross.  
There were three crosses, Jesus was in the middle and there was a criminal on His right and on His left.  Pilate made a sign to be put on the cross. 
It read what He was being punished for: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
The soldiers watched Jesus and made fun of him, they even divided up his clothes to be even more mean.  And some people walked by and shouted, "You saved others, why can't you save Yourself?" 
Jesus could have easily saved himself, but he did not, He wanted to save us instead.

Jesus felt bad for His mother, she was so sad to see her son die (just like your parents feel when you get hurt).Then Jesus saw one of his disciples close to his mother, and he said, "Mother here is your son, and friend here is your mother."  
Jesus couldn't say to much, he was very weak.  But he wanted his friend, the disciple to be like a son to his mother, and take care of her.  And from that day on he did.
When He knew it was time, Jesus said, "It is finished."  
That is when Jesus bowed His head and went to Heaven.
Suddenly,it became very dark and  a huge curtain that hung at the temple was torn in half, from top to bottom. When the people saw all this they said, "Surely this man was the Son of God!"  
They realized he had been wrong about Jesus.

Till that day, the Cross was a symbol of shame but since the time Jesus died on the Cross for us - It is the Sign of Jesus Victory of Death , Satan and a Sign of God's unending Love for us. 
The Cross is the Symbol of VICTORY!!

That is a very sad story is it not? But the truth be told, IT IS THE GREATEST STORY EVER. Infact, its not a story at all - It really happened!!

But you know why this story is great? Because THIS IS NOT  THE END - Our God , Our Jesus ROSE AGAIN AFTER 3 days. 

He Rose on Easter Sunday!! Thats why we celebrate Easter. 

The greatest Day of all days!! 

HAPPY EASTER and God Bless!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Palm Sunday

What is Palm Sunday? 

The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday.

Lets hear about the first Palm Sunday ever in the world: ( Taken from  Mathew 21: 1-11)

Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples,  saying to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, just say this, ‘The Lord needs them.’ And he will send them immediately. This took place to fulfill what had been spoken through the prophet, saying,“Tell the daughter of Zion,Look, your king is coming to you,    humble, and mounted on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”
 The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them; they brought the donkey and the colt, and put their cloaks on them, and he sat on them.  A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and that followed were shouting,“Hosanna to the Son of David!    Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!Hosanna in the highest heaven!” When he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, “Who is this?” The crowds were saying, “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.”


So you see, the people knew when they saw our Humble Jesus, the King of Kings  coming riding on a Donkey that this Simple Prophet was in fact a King!!
They welcomed Him amidst joy and happiness and to show their great love for Him they threw their cloaks on the ground as decoration they had Palm that they cut off from the Palm trees that grew there. 
What joy! What happiness - and Jesus of course felt happy :) 
We too can make Jesus happy- by expressing our love for Him when we pray tonight- tell Jesus you love Him and that you want Him to be your friend. Tell Jesus you believe in His love for you!Your love will remind Jesus again of the first Palm Sunday he had thousands of years ago. 
This day marks the preparation of Jesus coming back to life on Easter Sunday - we too are preparing for Our King and Saviour to come as King on Easter Sunday. 
When we go to Church on Palm Sunday, we too will be given Blessed Palms that we can make into a Cross and keep on our Altar. 
The remaining Palm will be preserved for next year and burnt - the ashes from this is used on  Ash Wednesday next year!

Temptation of Jesus

We know that Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert. After he fasted, liked any of us, Jesus too was tired and hungry. The devil wanted to tempt Jesus. Lets listen to what the Bible says:

Bible Story from

" After His baptism, Jesus spent time alone with God in the wilderness. For forty days, He ate no food. He grew very, very hungry. "Jesus," called a voice, "if You are really God's Son, why don't You turn these stones into bread so that You can eat?"
Jesus recognized Satan's voice, and although He was hungry, He said, "It is written, 'Man does not live by eating only bread, but by every word that comes from God's mouth.'"
Then Satan showed Jesus the peak of the temple and said, "If You are really God's Son, You could jump from here and Scripture says angels would catch You."
"It also says, 'Do not tempt God,"' answered Jesus.
So Satan took Jesus to the top of a tall mountain and said, "Look down there. See all that lies below You, every kingdom, every single thing on the earth. Bow down and worship me, and I will give it all to you."
"Get away from me, Satan!" commanded Jesus. "It is written, 'Worship God alone, and serve only Him.'"
At that, Satan fled, and angels came down and cared for Jesus." 

Season of Lent


To explain to small children the meaning of lent and its importance.

What is Lent? 

Lent is a season of preparation. While we wait for Jesus's birth and prepare for it during Advent-  We prepare for the most joyous time for us as Christians - Jesus coming back to life 3 days after His death on the Cross- during the season of Lent.

Easter is a very joyous celebration - we celebrate the rising of Jesus after His death on the cross. With Easter we know we don't have to ever be afraid - because will always and forevermore be part of lives and with us. But before we get to Easter, we have to prepare ourselves for 40 days - so that we can "clean" ourselves during those few days.

Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter. We can prepare for Easter by giving up something we like and sacrificing a few things. Lent is a time for praying, loving God more, caring for others like us and those who are not as lucky or fortunate as us. Lent is a time to try and love God more.

Ash Wednesday - is always on a Wednesday. On that day, we go to church to receive a Sign of the Cross made with Ashes.
The Priest blesses the Ashes and says ,
"Repent and believe in the Gospel"
" Ashes to ashes , Dust to dust"
"Remember, man that thou art dust and to dust you shall return"

He says that to remind us that we are not here forever, and the time God has given to us - we must love everyone around us , like we love ourselves.
Even Jesus loved us so much that He died for us on the Cross.

Always remember ,  "Pray like no one is watching you. Fast like no one is watching you. Do good like no one is watching you. God knows."

A good way of learning about Lent is through learning about Jesus suffering by the Stations of the Cross.

the Site below has a good way of explaining this.

Stations of the Cross for Kids.

Another good way of practicing Lent is by doing little acts of Kindness and Charity every day of Lent.

Here is a good example courtesy Teacher Suzette of Class 1A

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The community song

It’s I. It’s I. It’s I who builds community.
It’s I. It’s I. It’s I who builds community
It’s I. It’s I. It’s I who builds community.
It’s I that builds community…oh, oh, oh, oh

Roll over the ocean, roll over the sea,
Go and do your part to build community.
Roll over the ocean, roll over the sea(Hey!),
Go and do your part to build community.

It’s you.It's you.It's you who builds community …etc

It’s us…etc

It’s love…etc

It’s Christ… etc

It’s me, it’s you, it’s us, it’s love, it’s Christ who builds community,
It’s me, it’s you, it’s us, it’s love, it’s Christ who builds community,
It’s me, it’s you, it’s us, it’s love, it’s Christ who builds community,
It’s me, it’s you, it’s us, it’s love, it’s Christ who builds community.


The House Built on a Rock


To enforce in children that Jesus is Our Rock, Our strength . We need to go to Jesus in every sad, happy, good, bad moment in our life. Especially when we are sad or something upsets us, or we feel our studies or a situation is hard - we need to got to Jesus. That way, we will always be perfectly capable of dealing with different situations in our life.

Bible Passage: 

Luke 6:46-40 (NRSV Version)

The Two Foundations

46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I tell you? 47 I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my words, and acts on them. 48 That one is like a man building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when a flood arose, the river burst against that house but could not shake it, because it had been well built.[a] 49 But the one who hears and does not act is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the river burst against it, immediately it fell, and great was the ruin of that house.”


Imagine, you are in the beach with your little Beach toys- sand buckets and little shovels etc. Imagine you make this lovely sand-castle. It is nice and big - with little towers etc. You are so proud of your work ,you run to show it to mum and dad.
Just as you are showing it ot them - a huge wave comes and washes right over your sand castle!!!
What happens to your castle? Does it remain nice and strong as it was? 
No? Why? 
Because it was made of sand and built on sand!!

Now, imagine you built that same castle a little higher up on a rock- would the wave have been able to reach it? would it have been destroyed that easily? 
Imagine  you built a strong house with bricks and all on Big Rock or a mountain? Would a wave destroy it?

This is what this parable is about. Remember we told you that Parables are stories Jesus told us to teach us a lesson. 

What Lesson was Jesus was trying to teach us??
Jesus was trying to tell us that we , or Our Lives are like the houses in the story. 
The waves are the problems, sadness, difficulties in studies, or problems with our friends. 
The Rock is our faith and Love for Jesus with our prayers. 
Jesus was trying to tell us that we need to build our lives on our Love for God. When the waves of sadness , difficulties come we are supposed to go to Jesus and get strong knowing that Jesus will help us - all we need to do is ask Him!!!
Then no matter what happens - Jesus will carry us up - He will lift us and put us high up - so our problems will look small!
Let us remember then to pray everyday and ask God to help us everyday!


Dear Lord, 
Thank-you for being my Father and making me your child!
Help me to remember that You love me and that I need to come to you whenever I feel sad or find things difficult. Give me strength and help me to love you more. 
I Love you Lord, 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Grace at meals.


Being grateful to God for things that we otherwise take for granted. Particularly, true for us in this country where poverty is not visible - and hence our kids can feel a disconnect with real life situations of want, hunger and need.

About this class:  

Gratitude doesn't come naturally to our children. It is learnt. 
One way would be to lead by example: 
Easy to take for granted but a life long invaluable lesson is "Please" & "Thank-you" . 
Notice and focus on nature around us. Be Vocal about the sunlight, the wind, the breeze, the chirping of birds. 
Tell the kids to help around. That way, they learn about labour and "work of our hands". They will begin to feel for all the hard work their moms put in every day. 
Encourage the kids to be a part of community or group that "gives", after all kids learn by imitation. They do what they see. 
Remind kids of those less fortunate, and encourage generosity in little things. 
Remind kids that its not a bad thing when their parents don't always give them what they ask for. In fact  they do it because they love them (the kids) so much!
Show appreciation for the little things, in this case, food on our table. 

Look at these children. What do you see? 
Are they happy? 
Why do you think they are happy? 
Would you be happy, if you were there with them? 

They look happy to me. What do you think? Do you know why they are happy? I think, its because they are just happy to be with their friends and family and have food to eat. 
Would you be happy if I gave this food to you to eat? 
Do you know that you are very lucky and very blessed here today to come to class with a full stomach, clothes on you, and a nice, clean classroom to learn in? 
It could have been any one of us there. But God chose that you would be here today. 

Let us promise ourselves that we will not fuss over the food our mums prepare for us and be thankful to God that we have whatever we do have. 

Do you know how we got food? 
Lets start at the beginning: 
First of all we need to wheat or rice. 
Lets see , we will need a field and we need a farmer. 
The farmer will first need to plough the land. 

After ploughing the land, he will need to plant seeds. 

After planting the seeds, he will need to water the plants and wait for a good rain. Without rain, we will have no water and then the plants wont grow. That means no food. 
Who provides us with rain? God!! Yes, so we patiently wait for rain and water our plants. 
While the farmer waits for wheat to grow, he will continue to care for the crop by making sure other birds and animals don't destroy the crops. He makes sure there is enough manure for the plants to grow well. In the end, the farmer harvests the crop. 
It does not end here, he then has to store it properly and again protect the crop from pests. The crops are then sold, sorted, cleaned. 

It is then taken to factories or mills to make flour. 
Flour is then taken to another factory to make bread. The bread is then packed and sent to shops , where we buy from and it reaches our table. 

In the same way, there are many hands that work for food to reach our table. Most of all, our mums have worked hard to cook and prepare a nutritious meal for us. 
We need to be thankful to our parents for the food we have and not always fuss. 

When you go home today, thank your parents and pray for all the hands that have helped to get you your food. 
Pray for all those who are not as unfortunate as you. 
Above all Thank God. 


Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


We give you thanks, Almighty God, for all the benefits. 

Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.May, the Lord grant us His peace and life everlasting. Amen.


We Thank-you Lord for your kindness. Thank-you Lord for the things we take for granted. Thank-you for life, our parents, health and food. 
Bless everyone who helps us Lord, especially those whom we do not see. 
Bless the farmers around the world. 
Bless our parents. Bless the world and Bless us. 
Especially bless the children around the world. 